20th Vienna BioCenter PhD Symposium: 9/10 November 2023

The Vienna BioCenter PhD Symposium will be held in its 20th edition this year on 9 and 10 November. Drawing students and other scientists from around the world to a “Mixtape of Science” set of talks, the symposium is open for registrations.

An illustration fo a hand in a nitril glove holds a tape; the thread of the tape writes "a mixtape of science".

The Vienna Biocenter PhD Symposium has long become a hallmark of scientific exchange, collaboration, and networking. Annually for the last 19 years, the symposium brings together diverse audiences and excellent speakers from across Europe and beyond. 

For its special 20th anniversary edition “A Mixtape of Science”, the organisers aim to build on this experience and foster a dynamic and cooperative atmosphere, combining the best minds, techniques, model organisms, disciplines, and approaches to research. 

Registration is open since 12 June, with a poster abstract submission deadline of 11 September 2023.

Further information & registration
